About Me


I am a PhD candidate at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

In the dissertation work, I am studying information behavior as a kind of general behaviors of human beings, which is governed by the cognitive system that works both individually and in collaboration with others. I am also interested in and around social media, social media mining, and cross-platform evaluation.

Projects I am working on include

(1) Sensor-based Information Seeking Behavior, which studies human information behavior using passive sensors in smartphones and wearable devices with Prof. Chirag Shah and Prof. Vivek Singh,

(2) SOCRATES, which aims to develop a software framework for researchers and scholars to conduct seamless social media research with greater ease, and at a larger scale, with Prof. Chirag Shah and Ziad Matni.

I am on the job market, looking for a postdoc position.

Research questions/areas that I am thinking about are (1) Exploration behavior in physical and online space, (2) Decision making, (3) Computational social science, and (4) Human information interaction.

Education Background

2012, MA in Economics (completed), Seoul National University

2006, MSc in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University

2004, BSc in Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Business Administration, Seoul National University


Professional Experience

2012 – 2012, Researcher, The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies, Korea

2006 – 2009, Engineer, Samsung Electronics, Korea

2000 – 2001, Developer, nCubic, Korea


One thought on “About Me”

  1. Hello,
    I am joining the InfoSeeking Lab in Fall as PhD student in LIS. Prof. Shah suggested that I could reach out to fellow lab mates to find out more about living in Rutgers. Please let me know if I can ask you a few queries.


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